
Extensions will be posted in this category

[PAID] FlipBook: Create Interactive eBooks and Magazines from PDF Files ($5 or INR 301) 

1. OverView The FlipBook extension enables you to create interactive eBooks and magazines using PDF files. It supports initializing flip books from both local and online PDF files, ensuring flexibility in content sourcing. Users can easily navigate through pages with methods to turn to the next, previous, or specific pages. The extension also includes a feature to […]

[PAID] FlipBook: Create Interactive eBooks and Magazines from PDF Files ($5 or INR 301)  Read More »

[PAID] FloatingSheet: Create beautiful and customisable floating sheets ($3 or INR 151)

1. Overview The FloatingSheet extension, allows you to create customizable floating sheets with a floating action button (FAB) on your Android apps. It supports a variety of features, including animating the FAB with customizable margins, colors, and icons. The extension provides methods to show, hide, and remove both the FAB and the associated sheet view.

[PAID] FloatingSheet: Create beautiful and customisable floating sheets ($3 or INR 151) Read More »

[PAID] VideoRekorder: Record video with preview in custom layout without any external app ($8 or INR 501)

1. Overview VideoRekorder is an advanced extension for App Inventor2 that allows users to record videos directly within a custom layout. It supports multiple features like switching between front and back cameras, adjusting video quality, and enabling flash. Users can start, pause, mute, and resume recordings effortlessly. The extension also includes events for handling errors

[PAID] VideoRekorder: Record video with preview in custom layout without any external app ($8 or INR 501) Read More »

[PAID] AwsRekognition: Face recognition tasks, managing collections, and comparing images with AWS Rekognition SDK ($10 or INR 701)

1. Overview The AwsRekognition extension integrates AWS’s advanced face recognition capabilities into your application. It allows creating and managing collections, indexing faces, and searching for matches within these collections. The extension supports image comparison, providing detailed metadata and similarity scores for detected faces. Users can associate faces with specific user IDs and manage these associations

[PAID] AwsRekognition: Face recognition tasks, managing collections, and comparing images with AWS Rekognition SDK ($10 or INR 701) Read More »

[PAID] IrBlaster: Emit custom IR Patterns and create LED Remote ($8 or INR 551)

1. Overview The IrBlaster extension for App Inventor 2 and Kodular enables you to emit custom IR patterns, ideal for controlling various IR-compatible devices like RGB LED remotes. It supports different remote types, including Sylvania and IRC240S, allowing for seamless integration with your existing devices. Key Features: Ideal for creating smart home projects or integrating IR control

[PAID] IrBlaster: Emit custom IR Patterns and create LED Remote ($8 or INR 551) Read More »

[PAID] MicrosoftSTT: Convert Speech to Text using Microsoft SpeechToText API ($5 or INR 301)

1. Introduction Description: Easily integrate speech-to-text functionality into your AppInventor2 apps with the MicrosoftSTT extension. This powerful tool leverages Microsoft’s Speech-To-Text API to provide accurate and efficient audio transcription. Latest Version: 1Released:  July 27, 2024Last Updated:  July 27, 2024Permissions: android.permission.READ_MEDIA_AUDIO or android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE (depending upon Android version) Sponsored by @Homie 2. Blocks 3. Documentation GotError Event raised when error occursmethodName | texterrorMsg | text GotTranscript

[PAID] MicrosoftSTT: Convert Speech to Text using Microsoft SpeechToText API ($5 or INR 301) Read More »

[PAID] FirebaseIAM : Implement In App Messaging with Latest SDK – v21.0.0 ($5 or INR 301)

1. Introduction Latest Version: 1Released:  July 16, 2024Last Updated:  July 16, 2024 Key Features: Firebase IAM offers beautiful and customizable layouts, including: Enhance your app’s messaging capabilities with these versatile and engaging designs. 2. Blocks 3. Documentation Methods: Init Initialize Firebase InAppMessaging Client with provided credentials. You need to call this method only once and then extension will

[PAID] FirebaseIAM : Implement In App Messaging with Latest SDK – v21.0.0 ($5 or INR 301) Read More »

[PAID] FcmSender: Send FCM notifications and messages using latest HTTP v1 API ($3 or INR 151)

Google announced the deprecation of the FCM legacy HTTP API in favor of the FCM HTTP v1 API. This change is part of Google’s effort to enhance security and improve the functionality of their messaging service.The deprecation was announced on June 27, 2019 and legacy API will no longer be supported starting June 20, 2024.

[PAID] FcmSender: Send FCM notifications and messages using latest HTTP v1 API ($3 or INR 151) Read More »

[PAID] CashfreePG: Add Cashfree Payment Gateway in your app ($8 or INR 501)

1. Introduction Description: Using this extension you will be able to use Cashfree Payment Gateway in your app. Cashfree is a leading payment gateway service provider in India, offering a comprehensive suite of payment solutions for businesses of all sizes. Known for its robust and secure platform, Cashfree facilitates seamless transactions, including payment collections, payouts, and

[PAID] CashfreePG: Add Cashfree Payment Gateway in your app ($8 or INR 501) Read More »

[PAID] FAnalytics: Implement Firebase Analytics features in your app ($8 or INR 501)

 FAnalytics Extension Firebase Analytics is a powerful, free app measurement solution provided by Google as part of the Firebase platform. It helps developers gain insights into app usage and user engagement by automatically tracking key events and user properties. With Firebase Analytics, developers can monitor user behavior, such as session duration, in-app purchases, and custom events

[PAID] FAnalytics: Implement Firebase Analytics features in your app ($8 or INR 501) Read More »

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