[PAID] FloatingSheet: Create beautiful and customisable floating sheets ($3 or INR 151)

1. Overview

The FloatingSheet extension, allows you to create customizable floating sheets with a floating action button (FAB) on your Android apps. It supports a variety of features, including animating the FAB with customizable margins, colors, and icons. The extension provides methods to show, hide, and remove both the FAB and the associated sheet view. It also includes event handling to notify when the sheet is shown or hidden. This extension is easy to integrate, with support for Android devices running API level 19 and above.

Latest Version: 1
Published: August 16, 2024
Last Updated: August 16, 2024

2. Blocks

3. Documentation


SheetShownEvent raised when sheet is shown.
SheetHiddenEvent raised when sheet is hidden.


CreateFloatingSheetCreates floating action button and associates component as sheet view.
component | component
bottomMargin | number
rightMargin | number
animDuration | number
dimBackground | boolean
fabColor | number
icon | text
ShowFABShows floating action button.
HideFABHides floating action button.
IsSheetVisibleReturns whether floating sheet is visible or not.
ShowSheetShows floating sheet.
HideSheetHides floating sheet.
RemoveRemoves floating action button and sheet from screen.

4. Example Blocks

bottomMargin and rightMargin are responsive values.

5. Purchase Extension

6. Preview

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