[PAID] CashfreePG: Add Cashfree Payment Gateway in your app ($8 or INR 501)

1. Introduction

Description: Using this extension you will be able to use Cashfree Payment Gateway in your app. Cashfree is a leading payment gateway service provider in India, offering a comprehensive suite of payment solutions for businesses of all sizes. Known for its robust and secure platform, Cashfree facilitates seamless transactions, including payment collections, payouts, and international payments.

Latest Version: 2
Released:  June 5, 2024
Last Updated:  July 2, 2024

Prerequisite: A hosting and domain
I tested with Byteistic and it worked great

2. Blocks

3. Documentation

ErrorOccurredEvent raised when error occurrs
methodName | text
errorMsg | text
OrderCreatedEvent raised after creating order
paymentSessionId | text
responseJson | text
PaymentCancelledEvent raised when payment is cancelled by user
PaymentSuccessfulEvent raised when payment was successful
PaymentFailedEvent raised when payment failed. ‘ACTIVE’ means payment has not bee paid but session is active and ‘EXPIRED’ means not paid and session expired. Any failure message other than these two is generic message from api.
failureMsg | text
GotStatusEvent raised after getting payment status response
responseJson | text
CreateOrderCreates order with provided parameters
orderId | text
amount | text
currency | text
customerId | text
name | text
phone | text
email | text
paymentMethods | text
orderNote | text
orderExpiryTime | text
StartPaymentFlowStarts payment flow
paymentSessionId | text
CheckStatusCheck payment status by order id
orderId | text
BaseUrlSets base url used for making web requests
Property Type : write-only
Accepts : text

4. Example Usage

Create Order

paymentMethods: cc , dc , ccc , ppc , nb , upi , paypal , emi , app paylater

Start Payment Flow

These events won’t be raised for CheckStatus method

Check Status
whenever you want to check status in future


"cf_order_id": "2149460581",
"created_at": "2023-08-11T18:02:46+05:30",
"customer_details": {
"customer_id": "409128494",
"customer_name": "Johmn Doe",
"customer_email": "pmlpayme@ntsas.com",
"customer_phone": "9876543210",
"customer_uid": "54deabb4-ba45-4a60-9e6a-9c016fe7ab10"
"entity": "order",
"order_amount": 22,
"payment_session_id": "session_a1VXIPJo8kh7IBigVXX8LgTMupQW_cu25FS8KwLwQLOmiHqbBxq5UhEilrhbDSKKHA6UAuOj9506aaHNlFAHEqYrHSEl9AVtYQN9LIIc4vkH",
"order_currency": "INR",
"order_expiry_time": "2023-09-09T18:02:46+05:30",
"order_id": "order_3242Tq4Edj9CC5RDcMeobmJOWOBJij",
"order_meta": {
"return_url": "https://example.com/return/order_3242Tq4Edj9CC5RDcMeobmJOWOBJij",
"payment_methods": "cc",
"notify_url": "https://example.com/cf_notify"
"order_note": "some order note LIST",
"order_splits": [],
"order_status": "ACTIVE",
"order_tags": {
"name": "John",
"age": "19"
"terminal_data": null

5. Demo Video

6. Purchase Extension

Thank you.
Hope it helps!

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