Google announced the deprecation of the FCM legacy HTTP API in favor of the FCM HTTP v1 API. This change is part of Google’s effort to enhance security and improve the functionality of their messaging service.The deprecation was announced on June 27, 2019 and legacy API will no longer be supported starting June 20, 2024. Applications that do not migrate may experience disruptions in their push notification services.
The new API uses OAuth2 for authentication, providing better security compared to the legacy API key mechanism.
1. Overview
Latest Version: 2.1
Released: June 10, 2024
Last Updated: August 25, 2024
Aix Size: 759 Kb
2. Blocks

3. Demo Blocks
Step 1: Create Service Account and Generate json file
Open Firebase Console
Go to 'Project Settings' > 'Service accounts'
Click on 'Generate new private key'
Download json file and rename it to 'service-account.json'
Copy 'service-account.json' file's content and put it into 'Initialize' method
Step 2: Initialize extension and Setup blocks

notifSound: should be one of none
, default
or mp3 file name (from Assets) [ test
for test.mp3 ]
Supported only for my FCM extension. For other extensions, value must be default
4. Purchase Extension
Terms and Conditions
By purchasing extension you agree to Extension Buying Policy
Thank you.
Hope it helps!