MicrosoftTTS: Convert text to audio using Microsoft TextToSpeech API

1. Introduction

Description: This extension can be used to convert text to audio in various voices using Microsoft TTS api.
Latest Version: 2
Released:  September 21, 2023
Last Updated:  June 3, 2024

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2. Blocks


3. Usage

responseList is a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary containing information of a particular voice.

  • Speech rate and volume can be controlled as of v2.

volume: between 0 and 100
rate: between 0.5 and 2
Sponsored by @Homie (Adi)


You can read more about Microsoft TTS here:

5. Updates

ChangeLog Version 2

  • Speech rate and volume can be controlled as of v2.

volume: between 0 and 100
rate: between 0.5 and 2
Sponsored by @Homie (Adi)

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