1. Introduction
Description: Using this extension you can recognize text from image and scan barcodes from file completely offline.
Latest Version: 2
Released: September 3, 2023
Last Updated: October 26, 2023
Aix Size: ~ 1.1mb
Key Features:
- Completely offline Text Recognition and Barcode Scanning from Image
- Dynamic Deps management which reduces aix size to just 1.1mb. You can download required dependencies on demand.
- Text Recognition supports all Latin based languages + some Devanagari script languages
- Barcode Scanning supports Simple Barcode, WiFi, URL, Geo Point, Contact Info and Email
2. Blocks

3. Documentation
DepsInstalled | Event raised when deps have been installedtype | text |
DepsDownloadFailed | Event raised when deps downloading failedtype | text errorMsg | text |
DepsDownloadProgress | Event raised when deps downloading progress changestype | text progress | number |
RecognisedText | Event raised after getting text from imagetext | text blocksList | list |
UrlScanned | Event raised if url was found in barcodetitle | text url | text |
ContactInfoScanned | Event raised if contact info was found in barcodeaddress | text email | text name | text orgName | text phone | text title | text urls | text |
EmailScanned | Event raised if email was found in barcodeaddress | text body | text subject | text type | number |
WifiScanned | Event raised if wifi info was found in barcodessid | text pswd | text encryptionType | number |
GeoPointScanned | Event raised if geo points were found in barcodelat | number lon | number |
BarcodeScanned | Event raised when no specific type of barcode was found and given barcode was decoded in generalrawValue | text barFormat | number displayValue | text |
BarRecognitionFailed | Event raised if barcode scanning failederrorMsg | text |
TextRecognitionFailed | Event raised if text recognition failederrorMsg | text |
IsTextRekOperational | |
IsBarRekOperational | |
InitTextRecognizer | Initialize Text Recognizer |
InstallDeps | Install deps of given typetype | text |
RecogniseText | Tries to recognize test from given input that can be an Image component, file path or content uriimage | any |
InitBarRecognizer | Initializes Barcode recognizer/scanner |
RecogniseBarcode | Tries to decode barcode from given input which can be an Image component, file path or content uriimage | any |
BarRecognitionDeps | Property Type : read-only Accepts : text |
TextRecognitionDeps | Property Type : read-only Accepts : text |
4. Usages
Make Recognizers ready to be used

Check deps availability

Text Recognisation
First initialize recogniser.
Then provide input image to RecogniseText

event will be raised with result if recognition was successful otherwise TextRecognitionFailed
event will be raised with error message.blocksList
is a list of blocks. Each block is a list of lines.

Supported Languages: All Latin based languages
including but not limited to
- Catalan
- Danish
- Dutch
- English
- Finnish
- French
- German
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Latin
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Portugese
- Romanian
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Tagalog
- Turkish
Some Devanagari Script languages
- Hindi
- Marathi
- Nepali
- Sanskrit
Barcode Recognition
Initialize Barcode recogniser.
Then provide input image to RecogniseBarcode
Result will be delivered via different events based upon type of barcode.

It reads the following barcode formats:
- 1D barcodes: EAN-13, EAN-8, UPC-A, UPC-E, Code-39, Code-93, Code-128, ITF, Codabar
- 2D barcodes: QR Code, Data Matrix, PDF-417, AZTEC
It automatically parses QR Codes, Data Matrix, PDF-417, and Aztec values, for the following supported formats:
- Contact information (VCARD, etc.)
- WiFi
- Geo-location (latitude and longitude)
more will be added on demand.
5. Demo Video
6. Purchase the extension
Please include your email address in payment note or just contact me after payment to get aix and related files.
Thank you.
Hope it helps!