May 2023

[PAID] PdfBook: Create eBooks with ease [$8 or INR 551]

1. Introduction Description: Create eBooks from local pdf or remote pdf with real-time experience of reading a bookLatest Version: 1Released:  May 30, 2023Last Updated:  May 30, 2023 2. Blocks 3. Usage First set properties (Optional) If AudioFile is in assets, a sound will play when you flip the pages. So keep the duration as small as possible. Then initialize book viewer RemovePdfBook detaches […]

[PAID] PdfBook: Create eBooks with ease [$8 or INR 551] Read More »

[PAID] AwsS3Client: Extension to use Amazon S3 features [$10 or INR 701] 

1. Introduction Thanks to @3dmixer for sponsoring the extension Description: This extension is for using AWS S3 and similar Storage Services such as DigitalOcean Spaces. The extension makes it easy to upload files to S3 and then download it in app. You can create buckets as well to store different type of files in different buckets to avoid

[PAID] AwsS3Client: Extension to use Amazon S3 features [$10 or INR 701]  Read More »

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