1. Introduction
Thanks to @3dmixer for sponsoring the extension
Description: This extension is for using AWS S3 and similar Storage Services such as DigitalOcean Spaces. The extension makes it easy to upload files to S3 and then download it in app. You can create buckets as well to store different type of files in different buckets to avoid confusions.
You can read more about AWS S3 here: Amazon S3
Latest Version: 1
Released: May 5, 2023
Last Updated: May 5, 2023
2. Blocks

3. Docs
BucketCreated | Event raised after bucket is createdbucketName | text |
BucketDeleted | Event raised after bucket is deleted and returns resultsuccessful | boolean |
DownloadProgressChanged | Event raised when downloading progress changesprogress | number |
FileDeleted | Event raised after file is deleted and returns resultsuccessful | boolean |
FileDownloaded | Event raised after file is downloadedfilePath | text |
FileUploaded | Event after when file uploading gets completedkey | text fileUrl | text |
GotBucketsList | Event raised after buckets list is obtainedbuckets | list |
GotError | Event raised when any error occursmethodName | text errorMessage | text |
GotObjectsList | Event raised after objects list is obtainedobjects | list |
ObjectCopied | Event raised after object is copiedsuccessful | boolean |
UploadProgressChanged | Event raised when uploading progress changesprogress | number |
CopyObject | Copies an object from one bucket to anotherfromBucket | text fromFileName | text toBucket | text toFileName | text |
CreateBucket | Creates a new bucketbucketName | text |
DeleteBucket | Tries to delete given bucketbucketName | text |
DeleteFile | Tries to delete file from given bucketbucketName | text fileName | text |
DownloadFile | Downloads file from given bucketbucketName | text fileName | text localFilePath | text |
GetObjectsList | Tries to get objects list from given bucketbucketName | text |
Init | Initializes AmazonS3 ClientaccessKey | text secretKey | text |
ListBuckets | Tries to get buckets list |
UploadFile | Uploads file to the given bucketbucketName | text filePath | text remoteFileName | text |
Region | Sets S3 region Property Type : write-only Accepts : text |
4. Purchase
You can purchase extension by paying via PayPal and Upi. Either include your email-address in payment note or just contact me after the payment to get aix.
Thank you.
Hope it helps!