[PAID] AdmobAds : Integrate latest Admob Ads SDK (23.6.0) in your app ($6 or INR 421) 


The AdmobAds extension integrates the latest Google Mobile Ads SDK (version 23.6.0) into your app. This extension provides comprehensive features for managing various ad formats, including banner, interstitial, rewarded, and native ads. It includes methods to initialize the SDK, configure consent settings, load and show ads, and handle user interactions. Additionally, it offers tools to set custom ad sizes, manage ad layouts, and respond to events like ad loading, clicking, and dismissing. This extension is designed to help monetize apps effectively with a wide range of ad options.

Latest Version: 1.3
Released:  April 15, 2024
Last Updated:  December 15, 2024
Aix size: 1mb

Key Features

  • Affordable pricing makes this extension budget friendly and you get a high quality support service as well.
  • Easy integration
    Extension is quite user-friendly and does not require high-level development skills to implement the extension.
  • Comprehensive Ad Support: Load and show various ad types, including banner, interstitial, rewarded, and native ads.
  • Customizable Ad Sizes: Configure adaptive and custom sizes to fit different screen orientations and layouts.
  • User Consent Management: Integrated methods for handling consent forms, privacy options, and compliance with user data regulations.
  • Immersive and Test Modes: Options to enable immersive ads for a full-screen experience and test modes for development purposes.
  • Flexible Configuration: Set ad unit IDs, non-personalized ad preferences, and RDP signal handling.
  • Ad Event Handling: Monitor and respond to events such as ad clicks, impressions, loading failures, and more.
  • Supports Latest SDK: Built with the latest Google Mobile Ads SDK, ensuring up-to-date ad features and performance.

8 components in a single extension

Multi Component Extension

1) Admob SDK


2) Consent Form

Under Google’s updated EU user consent policy, you must make certain disclosures to your users in the European Economic Area (EEA), the UK, and Switzerland, and obtain their consent for the use of cookies or other local storage where legally required, and for the collection, sharing, and use of personal data for ads personalization. This policy reflects the requirements of the EU ePrivacy Directive and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


3) Admob Banner Ad

Banner ad units display rectangular ads that occupy a portion of an app’s layout. They stay on screen while users are interacting with the app, either anchored at the top or bottom of the screen or inline with content as the user scrolls. Banner ads can refresh automatically after a certain period of time.
Banner ads are effective because they work well with many types of apps and don’t take up much space. They’re also the simplest ad format to implement.


4) Admob Interstitial Ad

Interstitial ad units show full-page ads in your app. Place them at natural breaks & transitions in your app’s interface, such as after level completion in a gaming app.


4) Admob Rewarded Ad

AdMob rewarded ads are full screen video ads, image ads, or interactive ads, such as playable ads or surveys.
The user is shown a close button with a countdown timer that shows the number of seconds remaining before the user receives the reward. The actual duration of the countdown can be any duration between 5 and 30 seconds depending on the creative.


4) Admob Rewarded Interstitial Ad

Rewarded interstitial is a new type of incentivized ad format that allows you to offer rewards, such as coins or extra lives, for ads that appear automatically during natural app transitions.
Unlike rewarded ads, users aren’t required to opt-in to view a rewarded interstitial.
Instead of the opt-in prompt in rewarded ads, rewarded interstitials require an intro screen that announces the reward and gives users a chance to opt-out if they wish to do so.


4) Admob App-Open Ad

App open ad units appear when the user opens your app or switches back to your app. App open ad units appear on the loading or splash screen.

Why use app open ads? App open ads are specially designed to seamlessly integrate into the app open or app switch context. The unique app open ad layout offers the best user experience for this placement.

App open ad units currently only show text, image, rich media, and video ads.


4) Admob Native Ad

Native ads match both the form and function of the user experience in which they’re placed. They also match the visual design of the app they live within. These ads augment the user experience by providing value through relevant content that flows within the context of surrounding app content.
AdMob’s native ads format enables publishers to render ads that are seamless with content, or that take advantage of app features like swipe gestures and 3D animation.


First load native ad, then register asset views and finally show native ad.

view parameter accepts static layouts as well as dynamic components.
IconView and ImageView → Image component
AdvertiserViewBodyViewHeadlineViewPriceViewand StoreView → Label or TextBox
StarRatingView → RatingBar
MediaView and AdChoicesView → Layouts
CallToActionView → Button

Demo Video

Additional Information

Adding Admob Ad Id in AndroidManifest.xml
Use this tool to add admob application id to app:


Please read these FAQs before purchasing extension.

Purchase Extension


ChangeLog Version 1.1

  • Updated SDK to 23.2.0
  • Changes in Consent Form related blocks
    Removed LoadFormShowForm and related blocks.
    And added LoadAndShowFormIfRequired block.
  • Added CollapsibleBanner property in Blocks and Designer
  • Fixed Native Ad click issue
  • Now Native Ad elements can be dynamic components
  • Added RemoveBannerAd and RemoveNativeAd blocks and StartMuted property for Native Video Ads

ChangeLog Version 1.2 ⚠️⚠️

  • Original extension has been splitted into 8 sibling extensions. So it will break your previous projects if you try to import v1.2 aix directly.
    Delete old blocks and extension before importing latest aix. You’ll have to create those blocks again.
  • Admob SDK updated to 23.3.0
  • Several new blocks have been added

ChangeLog Version 1.3

  • Sdk updated to 23.6.0
  • Minor internal improvements

Thank you.
Hope it helps!

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