[PAID] SimpleDrive: Extension to work with Drive using Apps Script [$5 or INR 351]

1. Introduction

Description: It can be used to upload, delete, rename files/folders and listing files and folders. It provides following features

  • Create Folder/ Upload File
  • Delete Folder/ File
  • Move Folder/ File
  • Rename Folder/ File
  • List Folders/ Files
  • Get File Info

Latest Version: 2
Released:  August 8, 2023
Last Updated:  March 25, 2024

2. Blocks

3. Documentation

FileUploadedByUrlEvent raised after upload file from url
fileId | text
GotFilesListEvent raised after getting files list. Each list item is a dictionary having id, name, size, dateCreated, lastUpdated, downloadUrl as key-value pairs.
filesList | list
GotFoldersListEvent raised after getting folders list. Each list item is a dictionary consisting id, name, size, dateCreated, lastUpdated as key-value pairs.
foldersList | list
FolderCreatedEvent raised after folder is created. If folder could not be created then folderId will be error message.
folderId | text
FileDeletedEvent raised after deleting file. Returns success response.
response | text
FolderDeletedEvent raised after deleting folder. Returns success response.
response | text
GotFileInfoEvent raised after getting file info. Returns a dictionary consisting id, name, size, downloadUrl, mimeType, dateCreated, description, lastUpdated key-value pairs.
infoDictionary | dictionary
FileRenamedEvent raised after file renaming operation, Returns whether it was successful or not.
response | text
FolderRenamedEvent raised after folder renaming operation, Returns whether it was successful or not.
response | text
FolderMovedEvent raised after folder move operation, Returns whether it was successful or not.
response | text
FileMovedEvent raised after file move operation, Returns whether it was successful or not.
response | text
FileUploadedEvent raised if file was uploaded successfully. Returns uploaded file’s id
fileId | text
UploadFailedEvent raised if file upload failed
errorMessage | text
UploadFileByUrlUpload file from url
parentFolderId | text
url | text
GetFilesListGet list of files of specified folder
folderId | text
GetFoldersListGets sub folders list of specified folder
folderId | text
CreateFolderCreates a new folder
parentFolderId | text
folderName | text
DeleteFileDelete given file
fileId | text
DeleteFolderDeletes given folder
folderId | text
GetFileInfoGets file info from file id
fileId | text
RenameFileRenames specified file to given new name
fileId | text
newName | text
RenameFolderRenames specified folder to new name
folderId | text
newName | text
MoveFolderMoves folder from its parent folder to specified folder
srcFolderId | text
desFolderId | text
MoveFileMoves file from its parent folder to specified folder
fileId | text
desFolderId | text
UploadFileUploads file to
parentFolderId | text
filePath | text
GetMimeTypeReturns mime type from file path
filePath | text
GetDownloadUrlReturns download url for file id
fileId | text
GetViewUrlReturns view url for file id
fileId | text
ScriptUrlSet Script url
Property Type : write-only
Accepts : text

4. Purchase the extension

Please include your email address in payment note or contact me after payment to get aix and related files.

5. Updates

ChangeLog Version 2

New Block


  • Removed mimeType parameter from UploadFile block
  • UploadFile method now works with SAF uris now

Thank you.

Hope it helps!

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