Description: Basically AI2 wrapper of Storage Access Framework. Using this extension, you can get read and/or write access to a single document or tree document (and all of its children recursively). SAF lets users browse and open documents, images, and other files across all of their preferred document storage providers. A standard, easy-to-use UI lets users browse files and access recent files in a consistent way across apps and providers.
SAF offers the following features:
- Lets users browse content from all document providers, not just a single app.
- Makes it possible for your app to have long-term, persistent access to documents owned by a document provider. Through this access, users can add, edit, save, and delete files on the provider.
Latest Version: 1.2
Released: September 17, 2021
Last Updated: July 3, 2023
3. Documentation
AfterAudioExtracted | Event invoked after getting result of ‘ExtractAudio’ functionsuccessful | boolean response | text |
AfterMergeMedia | Event invoked after getting result of ‘MergeMedia’ functionsuccessful | boolean response | text |
AfterVideoExtracted | Event invoked after getting result of ‘ExtractVideo’ functionsuccessful | boolean response | text |
AfterVideoTrimmed | Event invoked after getting result of ‘TrimVideo’ functionsuccessful | boolean response | text |
ExtractAudio | Tries to extract audio from given video filevideoPath | text audioOutputPath | text startMs | number endMs | number |
ExtractVideo | Tries to extract video from given video file (and removes audio)videoPath | text videoOutputPath | text startMs | number endMs | number |
MergeMedia | Tries to merge/mux audio and video file and saves to output fileaudioPath | text videoPath | text outputPath | text |
TrimVideo | Tries to trim video with given parametersvideoPath | text videoOutputPath | text keepAudio | boolean startMs | number endMs | number |
4. Basic Usage
It is very difficult to explain all the usages in one post so I’ll post the usages of this extension in snippets category.
Basic usage is as follows:
Open document tree

Get access to Root Tree (not necessary for one-time usage)

Build child document uri
- if document is direct child

- if document is grandchild

Read file/Set picture

For more information or to discuss about the extension please visit AI2 Community
5. External References
There has been a lot of discussion related to SAF in AI2 Community and Kodular Community. Here are the respective threads:
6. Support Me
You can keep me motivated to create extensions like this by donating some amount.
Thank you.
Hope it helps!