[PAID] FtpClient: An extension to communicate to remote server [$5 or INR 350]


Description: Using FtpClient extension you can connect to a FTP server and do various functions such as creating and deleting dirs, uploading and downloading files, etc. This extension supports multiple files uploading and downloading of any directory recursively. FTPS mode comes in handy when you want to have more security while interacting with the server.
Latest Version: 4
Released:  January 1, 2021
Last Updated:  July 15, 2023
Permissions: android.permission.INTERNET,android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE,android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE









GotFileListEvent raised after getting file list from server
fileNames | list
GotDirListEvent raised after getting dir list from server
dirNames | list
AfterChangeWorkingDirectoryEvent raised after ‘ChangeWorkingDirectory’ method with result and new working dir
success | boolean
newWorkingDir | text
AfterDeleteFileEvent raised after ‘DeleteFile’ file method with result
success | boolean
ConnectedEvent indicating that connection to FTP server was successful and you are now logged in
DisconnectedEvent indicating that you are now logged out and disconnected from server
GotErrorEvent raised when any error occurs
errorMessage | text
GotUploadResultEvent raised after getting previous upload result
success | boolean
response | text
GotDownloadResultEvent raised after getting previous download result
success | boolean
response | text
AfterCreateDirectoryEvent raised after ‘CreateDirectory’ method with result
success | boolean
AfterDeleteDirectoryEvent raised after ‘DeleteDirectory’ method with result
success | boolean
OnDownloadProgressEvent raised when downloading progress changes
progress | number
OnUploadProgressEvent raised when uploading progress changes
progress | number
MultiUploadProgressedEvent raised when upload progress changes of a file queued in multi upload
localFileName | text
remoteFileName | text
success | boolean
GotMultiUploadResultEvent raised after uploading multiple files and returns the upload result
results | dictionary
ConfigureFTPSClientConfigures FTPSClient (always explicit mode) with given protocol
protocol | text
ConnectTries to connect and login to the FTP server using provided username and password
UploadFileUploads file on the server from given file path
Use absolute file path
localFileName | text
remoteFileName | text
DownloadFileDownloads file from server to given file path
Use absolute file path
remoteFileName | text
localFileName | text
DownloadDirRecursivelyDownloads remote dir from server to given local dir
Use absolute file path
remoteDir | text
targetDir | text
overwriteFiles | boolean
DisconnectTries to close the connection to the FTP server
CreateDirectoryCreates a new dir on server
remoteDirName | text
DeleteDirectoryDeletes given dir from the server
remoteDir | text
ChangeWorkingDirectoryChanges current working dir and raises ‘AfterChangeWorkingDirectory’ event with result
toDir | text
DeleteFileTries to delete given file from the server
remoteFileName | text
ListFilesTries to get files list
parentDir | text
ListDirsTries to get dir list
parentDir | text
UploadMultiFilesUploads files in bulk instead of single at a time
filesList | list
remoteDir | text
UseFTPSReturns whether to use normal FTP connection or secured FTPS connection
Property Type : read-write
Accepts : boolean
ServerAddressReturns the FTP server address
Property Type : read-write
Accepts : text
UserIdReturns the username
Property Type : read-write
Accepts : text
UserPassReturns the user’s password
Property Type : read-write
Accepts : text
PortReturns the port
Property Type : read-write
Accepts : number
FileTypeReturns the file type
Property Type : read-write
Accepts : number
FileTypeBinaryA constant used to indicate the file(s) being transferred should be treated as a binary image
This is the default file type
Property Type : read-only
Accepts : number
FileTypeASCIIA constant used to indicate the file(s) being transferred should be treated as ASCII
Property Type : read-only
Accepts : number


Extension’s Price: $5 or INR 350

You can purchase extension by paying via PayPal and Upi. Please let me know your email address after payment.

If you face any issue or have any question, you can always contact me.

Hope it helps!

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