ScrollHandler: Handle the scroll of Scroll Views

1. Introduction

ScrollHandler extension can be used to handle the scroll and properties of scroll views. It can effortlessly manage and customize the scrolling experience and properties of Vertical and Horizontal scroll arrangements.
Latest Version: 1.4
Released:  August 14, 2020
Last Updated:  June 27, 2023

2. Blocks

3. Documentation

HReachLeftEvent raised when HSA reach left
HReachRightEvent raised when HSA reach right
VReachTopEvent raised when VSA reach top
VReachBottomEvent raised when VSA reach bottom
OnVScrollEvent raised when a scroll happens in vsa.
scrollY | number
OnHScrollEvent raised when a scroll happens in hsa.
scrollX | number
OnHTouchDownEvent indicating a touch down on hsa.
OnHTouchUpEvent indicating a touch up on hsa.
OnVTouchUpEvent indicating a touch up on vsa.
OnVTouchDownEvent indicating a touch down on vsa.
RegisterHSARegisters given horizontal scroll arrangement for method execution
hsa | component
RegisterVSARegisters given vertical scroll arrangement for method execution
vsa | component
ToggleScrollingToggles scrolling of specific scroll view
enable | boolean
hscrollView | boolean
ScrollToSet the scrolled position of your view.sX and yX are the scroll position of view.If hScrollView value is true then method will be executed for hsa.
sX | number
sY | number
hScrollView | boolean
SmoothScrollToSmoothly scrolls to given position.If any speed is set then it will use that speed for scrolling.
sX | number
sY | number
hScrollView | boolean
ScrollByScrolls to given position by pixels.pX and pY are pixel value of scroll position.If hScrollView value is true then method will be executed for hsa.
pX | number
pY | number
hScrollView | boolean
SmoothScrollBySmoothly scrolls by the given pixel position of view.If any speed is set then it will use that speed for scrolling.
pX | number
pY | number
hScrollView | boolean
VArrowScrollHandle scrolling in response to an up or down arrow click.
direction | number
HArrowScrollHandle scrolling in response to an left or right arrow click.
direction | number
VGetScrollYReturns current scrollY position of vsa.0 if no view is registered.
HMaxScrollReturns max scroll position of hsa.0 if no view is registered.
VMaxScrollReturns max scroll position of vsa.0 if no view is registered.
HGetScrollXReturns current scrollX position of hsa.0 if no view is registered.
CanVSAScrollVerticallyReturns whether VSA can scroll in up(-1) and down(1)
direction | number
CanHSAScrollHorizontallyReturns whether HSA can scroll in left(-1) and right(1)
direction | number
VPageScrollHandles scrolling in response to a ‘page up/down’ shortcut press. This method will scroll the view by one page up or down and give the focus to the topmost/bottommost component in the new visible area. If no component is a good candidate for focus, this scrollview reclaims the focus.
direction | number
HPageScrollHandles scrolling in response to a ‘page up/down’ shortcut press. This method will scroll the view by one page up or down and give the focus to the topleft/right component in the new visible area. If no component is a good candidate for focus, this scrollview reclaims the focus.
direction | number
VFullScrollHandles scrolling in response to a ‘home/end’ shortcut press. This method will scroll the view to the top or bottom and give the focus to the topmost/bottommost component in the new visible area. If no component is a good candidate for focus, this scrollview reclaims the focus.
direction | number
HFullScrollHandles scrolling in response to a ‘home/end’ shortcut press. This method will scroll the view to the left or right and give the focus to the leftmost/rightmost component in the new visible area. If no component is a good candidate for focus, this scrollview reclaims the focus.
direction | number
UnregisterHSAUnregisters previously registered hsa.
UnregisterVSAUnregisters previously registered vsa.
VFlingFling the vsa with given velocity.Positive numbers mean that the finger/cursor is moving down the screen, which means we want to scroll towards the top.
velocityY | number
HFlingFling the hsa with given velocity.Positive numbers mean that the finger/cursor is moving right the screen, which means we want to scroll towards the left.
velocityX | number
HFadingEdgeEnabledSets fading edge effect in HScroll View
b | boolean
HSetEdgeEffectColorSets the edge effect color for both left and right edge effects of hsa.
Property Type : write-only
Accepts : number
VSetEdgeEffectColorSets the edge effect color for both top and bottom edge effects of vsa.
Property Type : write-only
Accepts : number
VFadingEdgeEnabledSets fading edge effect in VScroll View
Property Type : write-only
Accepts : boolean
HSmoothScrollSpeedSets smooth scrolling speed for hsa.Setting it 0 will reset the speed.
Property Type : write-only
Accepts : number
VSmoothScrollSpeedSets smooth scrolling speed for vsa.Setting it 0 will reset the speed.
Property Type : write-only
Accepts : number

4. Usages

First register scroll arrangement


The extension is open source so that anyone can modify and improve it. Visit Github repo to see the code.

Hope it helps!

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