Description: With this extension, you can send emails using SMTP server. Uses javax-mail library.
Latest Version: 1.5
Released: December 31, 2020
Last Updated: July 3, 2023
You can use the extension in this way:
And here is a brief documentation:
protocol ~ either TLS or SSL
server ~ string
port ~ int
user ~ string
password ~ string
from ~ string (can be different from username)
recipients ~ list
ccRecipients ~ list (can be empty)
bccRecipients ~ list (can be empty)
subject ~ string
body ~ string
isHtml ~ boolean
attachments ~ list (can be empty)
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Hope it helps!
Hello, can you give me an example of the attachment list. I’ve tried a few things. for example: /kkkk.txt as a list entry. The email was not sent. The email was sent with an empty list.
It accepts absolute file path like /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/abc.png
Make sure app has read file permission.